Carolina Green Corp. replaced the existing synthetic turf on Greenway Field. This project included a kickwall area, new concrete curb, and relocating netting sleeves and netting system.
Carolina Green installed a geotextile fabric barrier on top of the existing synthetic turf at Bank of America Stadium. We then harvested and installed an entire soccer field of GameOn Grass within a 36 hour window before the game. Chelsea FC will not play games on synthetic turf; Carolina Green and GameOn Grass made it possible to host this game in Charlotte, NC.
This Georgetown University Soccer Field project was completed in 2019. This was a complete renovation of the existing soccer field; including a field drainage system, a new irrigation system, minor grading, and installation of our Game On Grass sod.
This project for the DC United Soccer Team was a completely new practice facility site, completed in 2021. Carolina Green constructed 2 natural turf fields and 2 synthetic turf fields. One natural turf field is a sand-based construction, the other includes a cambridge drainage system.
Carolina Green converted the existing playing field at Maryville College to a modified soil Cambridge drainage field. We stripped the existing sod and organic layer, lasergraded the subgrade, installed compost and tilled into the soil profile, installed collector pipe and laterals for drainage system, installed irrigation system, installed sand cap, and installed Bermuda sod.
Carolina Green striped out and replaced the playing surface with Tahoma 31 Bermuda GameOn Grass.
Design and build soccer fields
Renovations to the existing soccer field installing cambridge style drainage system, laser grading, field drainage, irrigation, sand injection and sod installation
Synthetic Turf field installation (Fieldturf)
Soccer Stadium Field: Laser grade, create uniform soil profile, install cambridge drainage system, new irrigation, sod and topdress
Project consists of installation of new practice soccer field and full replacement of existing soccer stadium complex. Both fields are identically sand-capped flat fields.
Osborne Stadium Field Replacement: Excavate existing soil, laser grade subgrade, install drainage and irrigation system including pump station and backflow preventer and install sod.
Renovation of existing natural soil field to sand based system. Established subgrade. Installed collector drain around field perimeter. Installed lateral drains throughout playing area. New irrigation system. Installed gravel and rootzone layers. Sod with Latitude 36. Also, installed drainage system in "D-ring"areas.
Watch VideoWork performed: Removal and installation of irrigation heads, blecavate, laser grade, and sprigging.
Project to begin in 2016.
Project to begin in 2016.
Soccer field installation consisting of laser grading, soil admendments, irrigation, cambridge drainage and sod installation
Soccer field installation consisting of laser grading, soil admendments, irrigation, cambridge drainage and sod installation
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