Turf renovation converting natural turf grass to artificial turf. Project consists of erosion control, laser grading, installation of sub-drainage system, dynamic stone base, concrete sidewalk and fencing
Construction of 3 synthetic turf multipurpose (softball/soccer) fields
Beginning in 2015, construction of new multipurpose fields including well installation, water lines, irrigation and grassing.
Dillard Complex Rec Field: Install Cambridge Drainage System - Turf renovations consist of laser grading, field drainage, irrigation, sand injection, and sod installation
Installed Cambridge Drainage systems on several multipurpose fields. Also used sand injection system on fields with the worst water issues.
This project invovled construction of one natural surface playing field including a surronding track; and a large synthetic turf field lined for muiltipurpose use
- Laser grade subgrade
- Install concrete curb with chainlink fence in curb
- Installed a ball-stop netting system tied in to the fence.
- Installed sub surface darinage.
- Installed gravel base layers under sythetic turf.
- Installed synthetic turf system with Brock Powerbase anti-shock pad.
- Installled underdrainage system
- Laser grade
- Install new irrigation system
- Installed new drainage system
- Installed gravel and rootzone layers
- Provide and install Tifway 419 Bermuda Sod
- Installed shot put pads
- Installed hammer and discus pad
- Installed concrete "tent pad"
New construction of 6 natural turf fields and 4 synthetic turf fields. (8 multipurpose fields and 2 softball fields)
- Install basic erosion control measures that include a construction entrance, silt fence, safety fence, tree protection and inlet protection.
- Demo existing storm water outfall, fencing, concrete pad and curb
- Excavate existing topsoil to establish a subgrade. Spoils will be disposed off-site to an approved dumpsite.
- Laser grade subgrade to a mirror image of finish grade. Laser grading to a tolerance of 1/4" over 25' will be used during all grading operations.
- Install 10',8' and 6' HDPE collector lines to include two 8' cleanouts
- Install storm water structures with two 48� manholes, 18� RCP and outfall spreader
- Install 12' flat panel pipe and tie into collector lines.
- Install Concrete anchor curb with wooden nailer along perimeter of synthetic turf.
- Install 390' of concrete anchor curb with channel drain. Catch basins will tie into the 6' collector lines.
- Install 730 lf of new 8' vinyl chain link fence with 3 gates. Fence will be installed within the concrete anchor curb.
- Install geo-textile fabric over the entire field.
- Install 4' under Type B turf and 6' stone gravel base material under Type A turf, laser grade, and compact in preparation for artificial turf installation
- Grade disturbed areas around the synthetic field and seed with fescue grass seed.
- Remove construction entrance and repair disturbed areas.
- Clean up site for final inspection.
Project consists of prep subgrade, laser grading, sub-drainage system, dyanamic stone base, concrete anchor curb, artificial turf and netting
Princess Anne Athletic Fields: New construction of 16 fields, soil amendments, laser grade, irrigation, drainage, sod
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