Boshamer Stadium: Sand-based baseball stadium field (drainage, irrigation, soil modification, grading, warning track, infield install)
This project invovled construction of one natural surface playing field including a surronding track; and a large synthetic turf field lined for muiltipurpose use
- Laser grade subgrade
- Install concrete curb with chainlink fence in curb
- Installed a ball-stop netting system tied in to the fence.
- Installed sub surface darinage.
- Installed gravel base layers under sythetic turf.
- Installed synthetic turf system with Brock Powerbase anti-shock pad.
- Installled underdrainage system
- Laser grade
- Install new irrigation system
- Installed new drainage system
- Installed gravel and rootzone layers
- Provide and install Tifway 419 Bermuda Sod
- Installed shot put pads
- Installed hammer and discus pad
- Installed concrete "tent pad"
Sod replacement: Installation of tifway Bermuda regular cut sod.
This was a unique job installing an artificial turf perimeter around the entire field leaving the playing field surface natural grass.
- Demolition of existing shrubs and turf area.
- Establishing subgrade for areas receiving synthetic turf.
- Replaced existing irrigation system.
- Installed new drainage system.
- Installed curb to attach synthetic turf.
- Installed gravel base and lasergraded
- Provided and installed artificial turf infill system.
Project included the emoval of existing turf, laser grading, and installation of GameOn Grass sod grown on plastic.
Boshamer Stadium: Sand-based baseball stadium field (drainage, irrigation, soil modification, grading, warning track, infield install)
Kenan Stadium Field: End zone renovations including installation of drainage, rootzone, sod, synthetic turf base and turf systems.
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